Monday, December 31, 2007

ringing in the new year with a new bedroom

We may end up regretting this....we removed the "gate" from Z's crib - converting it into a toddler bed.  He slept on his mattress on the floor last night and did well, so we took the gate off this morning.  He's napping there now - we'll see how tonight goes.  Also gone is the "nursing chair." In its place, the game table from the living room.  We'll see if these changes stick.


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Saturday, December 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
I don't have too many photos to share with you from our Christmas since Z was naked for most of them. I tried to take Austin Powers-esque photos - aiming for the proper placement of toys or legs to hide the private bits, but in the end I imagined a future girl- or boyfriend finding nudie shots and how much slack I would get for, if you visit the house and ask nicely, I have many more photos of our holiday celebration.

So, yes, Z's been a streaker lately. He hardly ever wants to wear clothes. Which was annoying at first, because he kept peeing on things, but Santa brought Z a training potty and Z's gift to us was a Christmas Pee in the potty! Since then we've had action in the potty of both kinds - and after each successful delivery Z pumps his hands in the air and proudly exclaims "yaaaaay!"

Two weeks ago, a biological alarm went off, and since then: he stopped nursing, his eye teeth are all in, his molars are starting to surface, he's doing this potty thing, he's making 2 word phrases, he started running and hardly stops, he's trying to echo words (instead of just saying, "bleh" when you ask him to say a word), his hair is getting longer and thicker (do I really have to cut off those curls?), and his play is much more imaginative (even if it is 90% cars, balls, and trains).

I don't have my holiday cards together yet this year....but I will....I hope...soon. In the meantime, lots of hugs and kisses to everyone. I hope you had/are having a Fantastic [insert your winter holiday of choice]!!

More holidays photos are available - including Thanksgiving and my first turkey (eep).

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sonic boom

first nba game
Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
Thursday night we took Z to see his first NBA game - the Seattle Supersonics versus the Boston Celtics. I wasn't sure how long he would last - tip off was at bathtime (a.k.a. 7:30pm) which meant that half time would be around bed time (a.k.a. 9pm). I was amazed at how well he did.

He and John ran one lap around Key Arena during the 1st quarter, he ran another lap with me during the 2nd quarter and went for a 3rd lap with J during the 4th quarter. Z clapped when the crowd cheered and danced when the music played. When in our seats, he either sat in his own seat and watched the game, or sat on one of our laps as we provided color commentary in his ear, or had a snack or interacted with fans around us. He is a social creature - to be sure - he is also an athletic creature - earlier in the day he ran the entire path of the aquarium in 45 minutes (plus the 3 laps at the Key...I need to figure out how far he ran in one day).

His two favorite parts of the game were:
1. the blimp that flies around and drops envelopes with free stuff
2. the dancers - he literally drooled during the half-time show.

With 2 minutes left in the game and no chance for the Sonics to win, we threw in the towel and congratulated ourselves on another fun family adventure.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

guy lombardo and his royal canadians

"088888876 ,mmmm"
z's first blog post. That's my boy.

We're dancing to guy lombardo and his royal canadians' version of auld lang syne...we have all the holiday tunes cranking. I can not wait for Christmas this year!! Z is making it so much fun. He is in awe of the neighbors' lights (we walk down the street most nights oohing and aahing), the presents under the tree, the ornaments, the fact there's a tree in the house. Every night he walks to the tree and asks "on, please." When the lights come on he says, "blue." I've been collecting snowflake and snowperson ornaments for the last couple of years (many thanks to Grams for adding many fun pieces to the collection!). This year our tree is blue lights and white ornaments - snowflakes and snowfolk. We didn't put up too many ornaments, I didn't know how much attention the tree would get from the wee one, but I'm happy to report that he's very respectful and it's not been an issue.

I haven't been this excited about the holidays since I was a kid....

I did most of my Christmas shopping downtown - spent some good time at Pike's Place Market - such good holiday energy!!

We're staying here for the holiday. LMcG will arrive Sunday from Portland. It will be mellow and wonderful. We're planning a hike in the snow, a trip to the aquarium, a Sonics game, and a day of snowboarding.


A very merry holiday to all of you! Super Solstice! Krazy Kwanzaa! Happy Hanukkah! Cheery Christmas!

Much love. Many hugs. Tons of smooches.

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