Saturday, December 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
I don't have too many photos to share with you from our Christmas since Z was naked for most of them. I tried to take Austin Powers-esque photos - aiming for the proper placement of toys or legs to hide the private bits, but in the end I imagined a future girl- or boyfriend finding nudie shots and how much slack I would get for, if you visit the house and ask nicely, I have many more photos of our holiday celebration.

So, yes, Z's been a streaker lately. He hardly ever wants to wear clothes. Which was annoying at first, because he kept peeing on things, but Santa brought Z a training potty and Z's gift to us was a Christmas Pee in the potty! Since then we've had action in the potty of both kinds - and after each successful delivery Z pumps his hands in the air and proudly exclaims "yaaaaay!"

Two weeks ago, a biological alarm went off, and since then: he stopped nursing, his eye teeth are all in, his molars are starting to surface, he's doing this potty thing, he's making 2 word phrases, he started running and hardly stops, he's trying to echo words (instead of just saying, "bleh" when you ask him to say a word), his hair is getting longer and thicker (do I really have to cut off those curls?), and his play is much more imaginative (even if it is 90% cars, balls, and trains).

I don't have my holiday cards together yet this year....but I will....I hope...soon. In the meantime, lots of hugs and kisses to everyone. I hope you had/are having a Fantastic [insert your winter holiday of choice]!!

More holidays photos are available - including Thanksgiving and my first turkey (eep).

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Blogger erika said...

Oh! I love that photo! If I am ever at your house, I'll be sure to ask nicely to see the rest. Happy Holidays!

7:05 AM  

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