Friday, February 23, 2007

sick *again*

A week ago Friday, Z took the last dose of antibiotic for the ear infections. By Saturday night his nose was running green again. Yesterday and today he's been throwing up. That makes 3 Fridays in a row that he has missed daycare and 3 Fridays in a row that I have not worked. eep.

On the bright side, he slept for 10 hours last night. I'm not sure if this coincides with giving up coffee and binkies (me=coffee, him=binkies) or moving his dinner time later by an hour.

Monday, February 19, 2007

the thrill of the ride

20 adults + 6 children + 3 houses + many, many inches of fresh snow = winter snow fiesta 2007.

J and I snowboarded Saturday morning then...

'Twas Saturday night, and all through the house
the rain pitter-pattered, like a whole herd of mouse.
The snowboards were hung by the door with care,
in hopes that the powder soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of snowflakes danced in their heads.
And papa in his 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

The next thing we knew, the son greeted the new day,
and everyone at the "wake and bakery" had one thing to say:
"Visibility is low, but the snow couldn't be sweeter."
We couldn't have asked for anything neater.

For two and a half hours we swooshed down the slopes.
We hooted and hollered and acted like dopes,
for nothing tops the thrill of a ride
like butter and chocolate, oh how we did glide!

That afternoon was our shift at the "daycare center" (i.e., the living room in our house). I plotted out the predicted diapering, nap, play and snack times for each child then updated the chart with the actual times as we navigated through our 4 hour tour. Thankfully, we had another adult to help us, and it went smoothly.

It was the Land Bruiser's first family vacation. Before we left I wasn't so sure it was the right vehicle for the trip, but less than 30 minutes on the road it was clearly the right decision. We hauled three humans, two canines, and all of our stuff - it is astounding how much we can pack for a weekend (although, what is more astounding is that of the 5 items that I *had* to pack, I forgot to pack Z's allergy medication. J's quick thinking and calling remedied the situation with a detour through Bellingham). Plus, with all the snow, we had to put the Bruiser into four-wheel drive to get to the ski hill. woo-hoo!

I still can't believe we didn't snowboard at all last season. I'm thankful we had this trip and hope we can get up at least once more this year. Sharing with other families works really well and I look forward to more of that.

I can't wait to strap some wood onto Z's feet. One day, he'll be at lessons and J&I can take off for an afternoon on the slopes. Then, the day when we'll be snowboarding (or skiing) as a family...hooting and hollering together. Or...will Z be too cool for us? Will he even like the snow? I like to dream that he will and that family vacations on the slopes will be times that we will all remember fondly...much like all the snowboarding over the last 10 years has been some of the best times that J and I have shared.

mmm. It tastes good.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

new team

new team
Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau.
We retired Z's Chicago Bears jersey and replaced it with a sweatshirt from a winning team.

I think his first word is officially "da da" and his second is "throw." It sounds more like "dough" but he says it when he's throwing the ball. I also think he has said "ball" ....but I could be hearing things. :) More evidence that he'll be an athlete.

The master gardener class is awesome. We learned our clinic assignments this week - this is where I'm required to sit for so many hours and answer gardening questions. I'll be at the zoo near the butterfly house. Yay.

This week we learned about pruning and basic botany. There is so much to learn...our teachers are professors and professionals in the horticultural industry. I had no idea there are so many unanswered research's tempting...another master's?? Probably not, I need to be making money not spending it. :)

We found out yesterday that Z has two ear infections and I have pink eye. J suspects that he has a sinus infection. We're sick of being sick!! I really hope this is the last cold of the season. I have never had to cancel so many plans, it drives home the point that I am not in control and that I should not try to be - it's pointless.

We're rolling with the punches and surprisingly keeping our spirits up - most impressive is Z. The doctor was surprised when she looked in his ears, "he should be really cranky." A friend said that we would know if he had an ear infection because he would be screaming so much we would want to take him to ER. It is another example of Z's pain tolerance...which is a little scary but adds to the evidence that he is going to be a phenomenal athlete (ha ha - I have no control over that, either.)

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Zeb spinning yarn - 2
Originally uploaded by Three Seas.
Last week, I learned to knit. This week I'm learning the art and science of keeping house - fully embracing my role as homemaker - inspired by Andy in "The Devil Wears Prada." Z's learning the art of tangling yarn.

swimming lesson

Zeb swim lesson - 2
Originally uploaded by Three Seas.
Today was Z's first swimming lesson. He started out a little tentative then noticed the other people his size and realized it felt a lot like the he kicked and giggled...then got cold and shivered. Overall, it was really fun.