Monday, July 14, 2008

Muffin tin monday #2

This is our second week of "muffin tin monday" - a brilliant idea hatched by Sycamore Stirrings. Several other families are contributing their weekly contributions and she posts them on her blog. She also created a flickr pool.

Join the fun!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Zeb's first sparkler - video

Description: Zeb's first sparkler is lit while he's sitting on John's lap. John encourages Zeb to stand up. After he's up, he's tentatively holding onto the sparkler. A breeze blows some smoke from the sparkler into Zeb's face, he grimaces and turns away from the camera. As the sparkler gets uncomfortably short and close to Zeb's hand, John and Wendy both comment that this doesn't seem too safe and the clip ends.

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Happy Birthday, America!

We spent the weekend in Portland with our good friends Lori and Sandro. We arrived Thursday evening and Lori watched Zeb while John and I went for dinner at Sandro's restaurant, Alu. I'm not sure how we consumed *two* bottles of wine, but not only were we still standing, we were ready to dance. We ran into Lori and Sandro's neighbors, who have a 9-month-old, and the 4 of us parents hit the town.

The next day I was surprisingly *not* ill, but I was very tired. Lori and John took Zeb to the park and I slept. Then we went to a picnic held at the newly co-habitated home of another good college friend and her fiance. Then it was off to Aequis spa - in the penthouse of an old, downtown building with a clock tower - for an employee party and fireworks. That's where Zeb experienced his first, second, and third sparklers. This photo is the second - by now he has the hang of it. I have a video of the first - with a couple exciting moments.

At the end of the night, back at Lori and Sandro's, neighborhood kids were lighting fireworks. As we fell asleep, Zeb could hear them, and with each pop and whistle exclaimed, "fireworks!"

Today, as we hit the road for home, he was still talking about the fireworks.

After a smooth drive home, here we are unpacking and preparing for another week. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


putt putt
Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
what a wonderful weekend! Friday night was our first "family date night" - we took Zeb to see "Wall-E" - his first experience watching a movie in a theater. (*great* movie)

Saturday John and I were "juice cleansing" as part of a week-long liver detox, so we didn't have too much energy. Zeb and I woke up early, fed the neighbor's chickens and watered their garden, mowed our yard then watered our garden, then I fixed him some breakfast and myself some cranberry juice mixed with orange and lemon juices (the only "food" we were to consume for the day). It was 80+ degrees and gorgeous outside, so John decided to walk Iko and Zeb to the Greenwood car show while I slept. When I woke up, I picked them up in the car. After Zeb's afternoon nap and the White Sox/Cubs game (John's a southsider), we joined Clint and Sue for 18 holes of putt putt golf. Zeb usually hit the ball from the "tee" halfway through the green, then he'd carry it to the hole and putt it in.

We spent Sunday morning in the garden until it got too hot - chatting with various neighbors as they walked by. We did our grocery shopping for the week then wound down the weekend in prep for a short week by hanging out on the deck watching the sun set and harvesting 3 radishes.

And, it's a short it will be family weekend time again soon. Hurrah!

3 radishes

1st radish
Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
We harvested 3 radishes yesterday!

Then we ate them up. yum.