Monday, August 17, 2009

Wendy 3.0 Beta Release Party

Serious about cake
Originally uploaded by anneke b
Yesterday, was my 38th birthday and to celebrate, I held a "Wendy 3.0 Beta Release Party" on the beach with friends and a Rice Krispie Cake. The origins of the cake: I was allergic to wheat, milk, and eggs as a child so one year my mom invented the cake. It's two sheets of rice krispies with a layer of chocolate icing in between as well as spread all around. Photos of the release party are available.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Reality Mom

Check out the Summer/Fall edition of "Reality Mom" for my short story, "Shuttle Express Prophet." If you don't live in the Seattle area, you can order a copy from the Reality Mom blog (address above).