Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Kapow plus

re: kapow
Originally uploaded by artifishall
lol! I'm going to print a poster size of this one.

Nice work artifishall!! (Z's uncle Z)
[description: same as the previous image, but the background has been replaced with red and blue stripes that burst like the sun behind Z - he's floating in his super stance looking even more like a kung fu star]


Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
When we were in Chicago (has it really been over a month already?), Granny bought ZB some new clothes. Here he is showing how well he can move in his new threads. Watch out Jackie Chan, I think we have a new kung fu action star/comedian in the works. (Cute pants, no?)

[Description: ZB is wearing adorable brown pants and is squatting very wide legged with his hands on his thighs. He kind of has a smile; it's really more of a funny grimace - teeth clenched.]


The other day, Z was playing in the living room and I was cleaning the kitchen.  He runs in, grabs my hand, and says, "ewwwww, bug!"  He pulls me into the living room and points to a spider crawling on the floor.  I grabbed a piece of paper and shuttled the spider onto the deck.  He waved, "bye, bye bug."

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Since last I wrote...

Changes are afoot and that's when my writing takes the backseat....there seems to be a quarterly pattern developing. Curious.

As we've segued into autumn, our schedule has changed, J's been traveling, and I have successfully mastered keeping four balls in the air (Z, inner home/cooking, work, and finances). Next up: integrate into the mix "me," "john," and "outer home."

Z and I have joined the Crown Hill Toddler Preschool Co-operative. We both attend play time/parent education once per week for 2 hours, then one night per month I attend one hour of parent education. I also attend an hour of board meetings each month (with all of his allergies, I volunteered to be the Health and Safety Coordinator). As with the infant co-op, I'm learning about early childhood development and making friends with other mothers with children Z's age. It's awesome.

Our fall schedule is in full swing: Monday mornings we trade with neighbors (I hang with the kids for one hour while the other mom runs an errand, then she takes the kids while I do my thing). Tuesdays, Z goes to daycare and I work. Wednesday mornings is preschool co-op. Thursday is another daycare/work day. That leaves Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Friday for other adventures. Weekends are family time.

This last Friday's adventure: J took the day off of work to hang with Z while I drove with Joshua to Goldendale to celebrate the Geeze. Perfect timing for me to spend that much time ruminating about technology and life. I am amazed that the Geeze (an octogenarian) is faring better 4 weeks post-op than I was (at 34).

Other random bits:
  • In the last month, J has been to Boston for 3 days and L.A. for 3 days. Today, he left for a week in Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, and China). Moments ago, I received a text message that he safely arrived in Bangkok.
  • Z's favorite new word is "shoe."
  • I'm still trying to master cooking a roast.
  • The director of Z's daycare and many staff left so we are in the midst of many changes. Thankfully, the uber director is handling the situation well, i.e., making sure that all staff know about Z's allergies and has several new procedures to keep allergens away from Z.
  • Photos. I haven't taken many lately. I'll get back on that.
  • Today, we went to a harvest festival at a farm with animals and pumpkins. I should have taken the following photos. Please use your imagination: Z feeding the chickens, Z riding in the wagon, Z picking a pumpkin from the patch, Z petting the goats, and Z sitting on the floor of the barn admiring the container of ducklings.
  • Some of my blogging time and energy has gone towards Facebook, especially Scrabulous.
And now, we sleep....

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