Christmas #1
I'm not sure how many Christmases we'll have this year! (and the present-opening season will extend through January with Zeb's birthday!)
As a mom, I've finally started carrying a purse and it seems to increase in size each time Zeb has a birthday. It's getting heavier too and I've stopped carrying my old camera. I've been wanting something lighter, smaller and faster for a while. Yesterday, I finally got it! An Olympus stylus 10megapixel supercool camera. Here is one of the first pictures taken with it. It's Zeb playing with the marble run that he got from Grandma and Grandpa Chisholm (not to be confused with Great-Grandma Chisholm or GrandMomma Chisholm :). I would like to point out the incredibly cool structure that I assembled this morning--although not my own design--I had a blast putting it together. There are four points where the marbles can go one of two directions and four possible exit points. I can see how it can teach rudimentary debugging and was a bit of a challenge at 8 am, but very rewarding.
As a mom, I've finally started carrying a purse and it seems to increase in size each time Zeb has a birthday. It's getting heavier too and I've stopped carrying my old camera. I've been wanting something lighter, smaller and faster for a while. Yesterday, I finally got it! An Olympus stylus 10megapixel supercool camera. Here is one of the first pictures taken with it. It's Zeb playing with the marble run that he got from Grandma and Grandpa Chisholm (not to be confused with Great-Grandma Chisholm or GrandMomma Chisholm :). I would like to point out the incredibly cool structure that I assembled this morning--although not my own design--I had a blast putting it together. There are four points where the marbles can go one of two directions and four possible exit points. I can see how it can teach rudimentary debugging and was a bit of a challenge at 8 am, but very rewarding.
Logan got a marble maze too - so fun! Ours is a cheapo plastic one. How do you like the Quadrilla (I'm assuming that's what you got). I want to check out your camera! Happy New Year!
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