From summer to autumn
It's hard to believe I haven't had anything to say since 14 July...let me bring you up-to-date.
Zeb's last day at daycare was the 12th and now he'll be at home with a sitter on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and all-day Wednesday.
So, that's a quick update. You'll be hearing more from me soon. :)
- 25/26 July - Capitol Hill Block Party
- 30 July - submitted draft of the book manuscript for technical review
- 7-26 August my mom visited. During her visit, we went to the northwest quilt show and I helped Adrian (from John's group) cater and host a Moroccan BBQ. She gave her old digital camera to Zeb and he's filled 4 memory cards with photos. I'll be putting up the best of them - and some are really good.
- 30 August we went to Bumbershoot and ended up at the top of the Space Needle
- 3 times this summer I worked at the Master Gardener clinic at Woodland Park Zoo
- 11 September we turned in the final manuscript of the book (incorporating comments from our technical reviewers. Thanks!!). Our editor made some touch-ups and sent it on to copyedit. We should be getting a copy of that back to review in the next week or two. It looks like it will be in print sometime in November or December.
- We had the house painted - a process that took longer than expected because of all the rain we had this summer.
- Last week, I went to New York City to present at and attend Web 2.0 Expo. I left Monday morning and returned Thursday night. It was the longest that I've been away from Zeb! It was intense, awesome, and fun.
Zeb's last day at daycare was the 12th and now he'll be at home with a sitter on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and all-day Wednesday.
So, that's a quick update. You'll be hearing more from me soon. :)
I can't wait to see Zeb's photos! I love that he has his own camera. I wish we had an old one!
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