Tuesday, June 03, 2008

3 kids, 2 moms, and a minivan

Friday night was Zeb's first camping trip! It's hard to believe that it took this long to get him out for his first full night in the woods. For the most part, he had a great time. He kept climbing into his car seat - I think looking for a familiar space, something of "his." But, it sure looked like he was saying, "Ok! All done here, ready to go home."

We could see the river from our tent and I enjoyed walking him through a rousing rendition of "Goodnight everything." We started out saying good night to the river, then the woods, the tent, the mountains, and all sorts of things we usually don't get to bid good night.

It was good that it wasn't the three of us, our backpacking tent was perfect for the back country but not big enough for 3. Time to start shopping. More photos are available in the Spring 2008 set.


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