Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ocean Shores

on the sand
Originally uploaded by anneke boudreau
We spent a long weekend in Ocean Shores, WA with another family (who also has a young child and a husky-mix dog). We took the Seattle/Bremerton ferry both directions. Z slept through the ferry ride there, but fully explored the ferry on the way home. We had sunshine on Sunday and spent a couple hours digging and running on the sand. Iko and Kodiak ran and ran and ran on the beach - chasing birds, each other, and peeing on all sorts of foul-smelling things. Despite learning the lesson multiple times, Iko drank too much saltwater.

Sunday night we noticed bazillions of birds flying along the shore - flocks and flocks of pelicans, gulls, terns, and who knows what else. On the way back to the house, we thought Z was having an asthma attack so called Children's After Hours who diagnosed his breathing over the phone and said it wasn't asthma (thank goodness) but that he did have a lot of gunk in his lungs that could either be from allergies or a cold, "If it's allergies, the longer you stay, the worse it will get." Since it was too late to leave Sunday we considered leaving Monday morning, but decided to stick it out. I'm glad we did, because Monday night all the planets aligned for a "parents party" of wine, games (Dr. Seuss trivia and yahtzee), and lots of laughter. Overall, a fantastic weekend. We need to do more of these!!

There are 19 more photos of our Ocean Shores weekend.

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Blogger Shana said...

Wow, I can't believe how big our babies are getting.. and look at that hair on Z! I read with horror the story of Z.'s er trip, that must really have been scary. I remember the first time that happened to a friend of mine, she said she learned so much from it and also was able to remain rather calm, somehow. Now her son is starting k5 and he knows what he can and can't eat, so that helps. But that epi pen goes everywhere. Thinking about you!

6:47 PM  

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