Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Z and I along with S&Z saw "Bodies...the Exhibition." I certainly learned a lot but it was also kind of weird - where did the bodies come from? I didn't think about it before I went, but as we were looking at people's stomachs, veins, and muscles, I kept wondering. S heard they were from China. She's right: Education or freak show? 'Bodies ... The Exhibition' cashes in on our own curiosity


I was most amazed by the exhibits of veins and arteries - it looked like a human body constructed from sea coral. Mother ocean....ya....we definitely come from the sea.

Speaking of body parts...
I ask Z, "Where is your nose?" With a big grin, he raises his finger to his nose and sometimes he also says, "nose" - quite clearly! The other day I asked him about his nose and his response was to point to his left eye and say, "eyes."

The report from daycare on Tuesday was that he knows all of the motions to "the wheels on the bus." I keep singing it, but he hasn't decided to join in with me yet. darn it!

Tuesday was our last day of Master Gardener class. This coming week we have a review, a potluck, then graduation. Now to make my yard look like a Master Gardener lives here. With two dogs and a lot of shade, it will not be an easy task. The yard already feels so much better without the willow. Now, to keep the flower beds free of weeds, fill in the empty patches, and design around the dogs. I've been watching where they like to lay at different times of the day.

We started a new google group for MG knitters. We plan to stitch together once per month.

Someone got into the house the other night and took one of J's guitars. It was a scary but benign wake-up call to replace the "Old Black Dog security system" with modern technology and it's further proof that Young White Dog is a lover not a fighter.



Blogger Shana said...

Sorry to hear about the guitar theif! We had a similar experience downstairs and our little Stella didn't make a peep. Maybe we outta get some big, mean pit bulls, or just invest in a home security alarm. In fact, Juju is working on one right now, a motion detector that is hooked up to a boom box that uses radio waves to sound off some wierd alarm (thank you snap circuits set that he got for xmas)!

12:21 PM  

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