Thursday, March 15, 2007

another bug

I've caught another bug - knitting. Last night, I stayed up an extra hour working on a present for a friend's baby. I haven't felt this way since college when I couldn't stop playing Tomb Raider. I'd huddle in front of the television for hours trying just one more time to maneuver through the streets of Venice without getting shot to reach the next level. Over and over again, until one night I made it all the way through and never played the game again.

Knitting is so much better...and there's no end - only the next project. Last night, I finished the first square of the project (to be revealed after it has been received by the mother-to-be) and began on the second. Unfortunately, I calculated wrong and had to begin the second square three times before it measured the same width as the first. But, I didn't mind. It was like making it to that next level. I kept thinking, "I should go to bed and start over again tomorrow." But the next thought was always, "just one more row." I finally decided to take the knitting to bed with me. I should have the second square done tonight.

As I knit I'm not only thinking about the next project, I have at least 20 projects in mind. (n= number of friends and family who I would like to make something for, plus things for myself). The best part is that it is an act of love. It's so exciting!

Thanks K and G for inspiring, teaching, giving yarn, lending needles, and encouraging!

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Blogger Roy G. Biv said...

Hurray for you catching the knitting bug with me! I am 17 rows of seed stitch away from being able to block the baby blanket and move onto the next project. Here's hoping the next one doesn't take nearly 2 months to complete! Look forward to seeing how the (top secret) project is coming along next time I see you!

9:56 PM  
Blogger William Loughborough said...

Donna's most successful "project" was balaclavas in sizes ranging from toddler to me. (no pic)

Puts you in solidarity with the Chiapans and makes trouble when you forget you have it on and try to go into the bank.


10:18 AM  
Blogger TechyMom said...

Thought of your knitting post when I saw this: Knitted toy sushi!

11:16 AM  

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