Saturday, January 20, 2007

virtual cocktail party

erika invited me to a "virtual cocktail party" - to share five little known things about myself.

1. I could have been a musician. I started taking music lessons in third grade and programming computers in sixth. I played oboe in the school orchestra and percussion (bells, xylophone, drum) in the marching band. I won several blue ribbons for piano performances. When I went to college, I chose to major in computer science and date musicians (then married one). I took drum lessons throughout 2005, but gave my drum kit to a friend in February 2006. I dream about being in a band and owning a piano.

2. I want to be a science fiction writer. I've been "researching" a story for 5 years and even wrote a couple drafts. It is set in a utopia where there are no noticeable disabilities - it's not that disabilities as we know them have been eliminated, it's that they don't matter anymore. You don't need eyes to read street signs, you don't need ears to communicate with a stranger, you don't need legs to climb a mountain, and every person's perception of the world is important and integral to society.

3. In college, after taking a "World Religions" class, I joined a wiccan coven, attended Baha'i fireside meetings, hung out with Rastafarians in Jamaica, meditated in Zen temples, visited a Hindu temple, obsessed over everything Richard Bach and Richard Pirsig ever wrote, then read the Tao Te Ching, Yoga Sutras, Upanishads, and many other books. There are many beautiful paths.

4. I want to live in a commune. Let's pool our resources to buy hundreds of acres at the base of a snow-capped mountain and help each other raise children, garden, cook, create, snowboard...let's enjoy and care for our amazing planet and each other!

5. I can cook with meat. I was a vegetarian for most of my adult life...until I got pregnant. First, I only ate meat a couple times per week and only when we ate out. I didn't want meat in my refrigerator and I certainly didn't want to cook it. Over the last year, I have learned to grill hamburger, fry sausage, and braise steak. I made sausage patties from scratch using bulk pork and cooked a tender, juicy chicken mole in the crockpot for 6 melted like buttah. But, I am a vegetarian at heart and as I slice I daydream about the pre-slaughterhouse lives of the chickens, pigs, and cows who meander across my cutting board.

Hmmm. I feel like people who know me will know these things. But, I think the main purpose of the exercise was to talk about things that I usually don't talk about. I had fun, I hope you did, too.

Now, to pass the torch. This is a bit like a chain letter but on blogs...isn't it? Here goes: artifishall, 3seas, and macabre0 - tag! you're it.

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Blogger erika said...

It's totally a chain letter! LOL, I hadn't thought of it that way. I was glad to read it, though, it's good to talk about yourself once in a while, in the totally selfish "all about me" sense. : ) thanks for obliging!

9:17 PM  

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