Sunday, December 31, 2006

christmas presence

21 - 29 December.
2 grandmas, 1 grandpa, 1 great-grandma, 1 uncle, 2 great aunts, 1 great uncle, 6 cousins, 6 second-cousins.
Many, many presents.

Z loved the experience. The flights there and back, all the attention, the relentless dismantling of granny's magazines, chasing the cats, dinners with new foods and faces.

He came home with several new toys and lots of new tricks. He purses his lips in an "o" and giggles as he says, "ooooooh." He wags his tongue up and down "lbblbllb llbllb lllblllla." He claps, especially when he hears the first few notes of, "if you're happy and you're know it..." Using his walker, he chases us around the house. I've stopped counting how many steps he can take on his own - today he walked across the living room and through the kitchen before sitting down to take a rest. One of his bottom middle teeth finally broke through the gums - that makes 3 teeth. He eats raw, baby carrots and loves green beans and beef. He's learned to stack blocks and can place plastic rings on their holder. He dances when he hears music and throws balls over the gate at the top of the stairs and watches them bounce. He points to things he wants - like the corner of the kitchen for a banana (where we keep them). He sometimes uses a spoon to put food into his mouth, but mostly he uses it as a drumstick and the highchair tray as a drum. He can push his new truck around on the floor like it's driving somewhere.

Photos and video on the way...

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Blogger rocklizard said...

Oh what a pile of wonderful images this post portrays. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful Christmas and that Z is doing so much!!

10:06 AM  

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