Monday, November 06, 2006

new era

J and I haven't been on a date since February. Since then, we've both been out separately, but one of us staying home with Z. Z has been consistently sleeping through the night for several weeks, so we were finally comfortable leaving him with someone. Friday night, our friends were celebrating the return of the rains with a poker party.

As J and I approached their house we realized that even though it has been 8 months since we had been out together, it only felt like a few weeks. It felt natural for us to be out together.

We agreed that at 11 p.m. whoever had fewer chips had to return home to relieve the sitter. I was doing really well, so J left. wasn't any fun with out him. About 20 minutes later, I bet more than I usually do on a hand that I usually wouldn't have played and (thankfully) lost most of my chips then gave the rest to another lady at our table. Within in minutes, I was safely back at home. whew.

It's amazing how much has changed, yet how much has stayed the same.


Blogger erika said...

I totally know what you mean. #1, it never seems odd to be out alone with Mike, even when it's been months since it's happenned. #2, it stops being as fun for me if he's not there. Bottom line, even when I start to feel like I'm a shut in, I'd rather be home with my family than basically anywhere else. It's a good thing. : )

9:09 PM  

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