I've been feeling that our stint with breastfeeding may be winding down. The American Academy of Pediatrics (the all-knowing organization that is usually the "they" in any "they said" statement made in a parental discussion in our neck of the woods) recommends breastfeeding for at least the first year. So, I've been assuming if we make it 12 months, we're good to go. I've been looking forward to more flexibility, although I am not looking forward to the weaning process and I anticipate I will miss the quality time with Z even though I know we'll find quality in other activities.
Today, in the article "Breast milk 'does not boost IQ'," I learned two interesting things: 1. "Breastfed babies are smarter because their mothers are clever in the first place" and are likely to provide a more stimulating environment. 2. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for the first two years.
The finding is not surprising - I had suspected this was the case since several of my friends are adopted therefore raised on formula yet incredibly intelligent. The bit about being clever caused me to flash back to a trip to Australia where my hostess introduced me as "clever" and it made me feel like a rock star - not only because I respect her but I love the Aussie accent. The recommendation from WHO is interesting and for a moment caused me to consider going longer than a year...but only briefly. It's bittersweet. I'm looking forward to and dreading the freedom at the same time.
Say it with me: enjoy each moment while it lasts.
Today, in the article "Breast milk 'does not boost IQ'," I learned two interesting things: 1. "Breastfed babies are smarter because their mothers are clever in the first place" and are likely to provide a more stimulating environment. 2. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for the first two years.
The finding is not surprising - I had suspected this was the case since several of my friends are adopted therefore raised on formula yet incredibly intelligent. The bit about being clever caused me to flash back to a trip to Australia where my hostess introduced me as "clever" and it made me feel like a rock star - not only because I respect her but I love the Aussie accent. The recommendation from WHO is interesting and for a moment caused me to consider going longer than a year...but only briefly. It's bittersweet. I'm looking forward to and dreading the freedom at the same time.
Say it with me: enjoy each moment while it lasts.
Yes. Enjoy it while it lasts. You've already given Z a great start at life, you could stop BF now and he'd still be as smart and as perfect as ever. Also, in regards to the WHO, keep in mind that their longer term reccommendation has to take in to account 3rd world countries who do not have a lot of other good options for baby's nutrition. BF is indeed best for longer times in those situations. But here in America, we are blessed with many wonderful formula choices, not to mention readily available milk and veggies and fruits. So, take that one with a grain of salt.
Big hugs to you!
With respect Erika's reference to people in the third worl is irrelevant. The WHO is thinking of ALL the world's children in its recommendation. The rates of Obesity in America are not a sign of good healthy eating habits even when compared to the starvation of the poorest populations in Africa.
Don't think that you have to stop feeding your little one on the day he turns one year old. Keep feeding him for as long as you and he are both happy to do so. Why switch to formula at one when you have come so far with breastmilk?
I fed my daughter til she was almost 2 and weaned her gently. She was getting busier and feeding less often and I didn't offer her the breast unless she wanted it. Little by little she fed less and we snuggled more.
You will both find your own moment and your own way to close this part of your relationship. Don't let anyone tell you when that should be.
Wishing you much more happiness and closeness in your relationship with your babe.
Just to let you know I am the wife of the man in the photo; the most supportive husband in the world and father of four highly intelligent breastfed children. Excuse my typos nak.
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