Tuesday, June 06, 2006

a moment to remember

Last night I woke at 3 a.m. Z was asleep, nestled along my side on my right arm. J had fallen asleep on the couch. The sun was just beginning its trek across the sky, not up but enough that I could see Z's soft cheeks with a blue hue. I stared at him in my arms for the next hour - watched as the light changed, listened as he breathed and the birds began to wake, and relished the moment knowing that one day he will not be so small - small enough to fit between my shoulder and my hip, perfect to cuddle with as we sleep. As I lay there -- awake, in love, in awe -- J came to bed and together we snuggled Z between us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I really love when I wake up a few minutes before the baby and can just drink him in as he lies there sleeping. I know he won't be this little much longer.

10:38 PM  

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