Friday, June 16, 2006

"a banana runs through it" - Tucson Part 3

Since hearing about E.E. sleeping 11 hours at one go, a night of sleep has become the Holy Grail. At our first breakfast in Tucson (Friday), I ordered a fruit cup that had a few pieces of banana. Grandma and Grandpa took turns feeding Z little pieces. It was great fun, we all had a wonderful meal, and then we went about our day.

That afternoon, I opened Z's diaper and what to my wondering eyes did appear but an intact piece of banana. It looked like we had taken one of those pieces of banana and stuck it directly into his diaper. "Hmm. That's kind of funny." I put on a fresh diaper and we went about our day.

That evening, I opened Z's diaper and what to my wondering eyes did appear but dozens of brown banana veins splattered about in poo like a two-tone Jackson Pollock painting. I called in Grandpa and Grandma for a 2nd and 3rd opinion - "Is that really what I think it is?" We all agreed that his system has an interesting way of dealing with bananas.

That was it for the banana chunks - both input and output. The next day we moved onto "banana water" (organic pureed baby banana food mixed with water) and everything seemed good - he drank 2 ounces and pooed like a champion. Hurray! On our flight home on Monday, he had 4 ounces on take-off.

Monday night we switched to rice cereal. I wanted to give him something with more substance and we heard that you don't want to give them sweet stuff for too long or it will be difficult to introduce veggies and grains. Plus, after the trip I was pretty tired and my milk supply was low. He had more rice on Tuesday night.

Wednesday night rolled around and we realized - "Hey - he hasn't pooed since Tuesday a.m. Let's hold off on solids until we see poo." I wrote to K (E.E.'s mom) about the lack of poo and she says, "You are experiencing the rice cereal constipation phenomenon. Try pears or apples." I confirm this in one of our books.

Go to the store. Buy pears. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Feed Z pears. Wait for poo.


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