Monday, April 17, 2006

moms on parade

The last time I walked the 3 miles around Green Lake it was under a full moon at 10 pm and I was attempting to induce labor. Today, exactly three months later, I joined the mommy parade - briskly pushing babies in strollers around the lake. Some ladies were jogging others walking. I hope - someday soon - to join the joggers.

One benefit of going back to work is the schedule. We wake up around 8, Z eats and is dressed, then I eat, dress, meditate and yoga, then we do an activity - cleaning or gardening. In the evening, around 9 I take Z to his room and read to him until he falls asleep. Since he's so young I'm reading my books, currently "Buddha Mom" - a set of essays about mothering as the path to enlightenment.

Just as we see changes in Z each week, I'm noticing changes in my body almost as regularly. Until last Monday, the last time I held upward dog (yoga pose) was May 1 - the day the pregnancy test was positive and we ran the Vancouver 1/2 marathon.

I like measuring my recovery in terms of yoga poses and notice I've started measuring Z's growth in them as well. As of last Wednesday, he almost held Salabhasana (lotus) - on his belly with his legs, arms, and head all raised off of the floor. He's also working on staff pose - sitting on his butt with his legs stretched in front of him. It will be a while until he can hold it himself, but each week he is closer. Yesterday, he sat in the corner of the couch for about 10 minutes and played with his bib.

A friend of a friend said of her infant son, "Each time he wakes he's older." Word.


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