Sunday, March 12, 2006

mixed bag

Outings are becoming easier and we travel to a new destination almost daily. We committed to walking 2 times per week and decided that on rainy days we will mall walk. Tuesday, I was nursing Z in the Nordstrom's Women's lounge when 3 other moms came in and started nursing. [What's the plural name for a group of moms nursing? A gaggle? A clutch? Seems there ought to be a word for the phenomenon...] We talked about nursing in public (it was my first time) and they gave me all sorts of tips. I hope to meet up with them on Tuesday at Reel Moms - a weekly showing of a current movie at one of the theaters for moms and infants. "The lights are dimmed and sound level reduced so you can hear and see your baby."

My brother is in town for his spring break. It isn't the usual "show off Seattle to family" trip - we've spent a lot of time hanging out at home with Z. We did get to the Ballard Farmer's Market today, we saw Greyboy Allstars on Thursday, and he went to the mac store yesterday. We'll get to EMP/SciFi museum and my dad reminded us to get to Dilettante for hot fudge sundaes and truffles (mmmmm).

Unfortunately, we are also mourning the loss of his and my mom's dog. When our cat died 3 years ago, I spent the next 3 days crying in bed then I made a scrapbook. I wrote down as many memories of him that I could and made a list of all of his quirks that I didn't want to forget - the way he headbutted me, greeted us on the front steps, and played with my hair. Goodbye Casey.

While walking around the mall, I've been surprised at how many children are there. I honestly hadn't noticed before. Now, I see them all and imagine Z at each of the different ages and stages. It's hard to believe he's almost 2 months old. He's close to figuring out his hands - 2 days ago he pulled a toy off of the side of his crib. Not too amazing of an accomplishment - it was attached by velcro and was not intentional, but it was cool to see him do something with his hands.

He continues to grow like a weed. In the last 2 days even the 3-6 month sized clothes are becoming small. Yesterday, I dug into the bin of 6-9 month sized clothes and found one of the smaller sleepers - it isn't overly loose! I'm amazed that one day an outfit will fit and the next day it won't. He's almost as long as the bassinet. When he stretches his arms out he touches each side of it.

I discovered that I could garden with him. Yesterday, I put him in the car seat and set him on the ground near me. I was able to weed a whole section and plant a Japanese maple that had been in pot on the deck. I hope the weather holds his week - there is so much that I want to do in the garden.

This is definitely the best job that I've ever had. It is so much fun to take each day hour by hour to care for Z, J, myself, the animals, and the house. Our pace is slow, deliberate, and meaningful. It seems to be unfolding...blooming as it should, bubbling up a little more each day like the hyacinth that I planted last fall.

Thanks to J and grandmomma for the daily support which allows me to relax and enjoy.


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