Tuesday, January 10, 2006


2 days post due date. It's windy today but not rainy which gave us an excellent view of the Olympics on the dog walk this morning. Two bald eagles circled overhead at the end of the walk.

Invigorated by the lack of rain and motivated to keep moving to induce labor, I worked in the yard for a couple of hours. I took more branches off of the willow - the third major pruning to de-IT-ify and give it some shape and airways. I trimmed the neighbor's bamboo to give the red japanese maple more air and took a couple smaller branches off of the green japanese maple. I cleaned up all the fallen apples, the Halloween pumpkin, and a variety of other things that had been rotting in the yard for the last 2 months. I trimmed off the dead leaves from the hydrangea that we moved last fall. We were pretty sure the move had killed it, but I was happy to find buds on all of the branches. I also trimmed up the wisteria, lavender, and african violet.

I was waiting for spring to clean up the clematis but it's already sprouting buds so I'll wait until after it blooms to trim it. The jasmine has gone crazy this winter! It started as a 2 inch sprig and has climbed all the way up the 6 foot fence. I'm surprised to see a patch of tulips at 3 inches already. I hope they don't bloom too early.

The weeds are also thriving, but that's too much bending over for me right now. Grass has infiltrated the creeping thyme and I have a feeling I might replace all of that with something else this spring. It's pretty but it is so hard to keep clear of weeds. I still need to plant the 2nd green japanese maple. I hope it will survive the rest of winter in its pot (it's second winter in this pot).

The grass is in need of serious love. I didn't reseed it last fall before the rains came and it's not quite a muddy mess but on it's way there. There isn't much I can do until the rains let up and I can mow, fertilize (organically - of course ;), and reseed. I can't wait to build the veggie box and watch the garden grow. I look forward to sunny days out in the yard with Gilhooly watching or sleeping nearby.


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