past due
Yesterday was our due date. Although, as I have said before, it's more of a "due month." Needless to say that when the day rolls around it's hard not to get excited and expect it to happen. We tried our best to get him out yesterday...I walked 1.5 miles, pressed all the pressure points, drank coffee...but gave up around noon when nothing seemed to be happening. Yesterday would have been a good day for a birth - not only was it Elvis' birthday it was the first day we've had sun and a few hours of respite from rain.
I envision sun streaming in through the window when we first meet him. The 10 day weather forecast shows a 70% chance of rain every day through Saturday. Sunday looks like the first day we could get some sun. I've been asking the universe to give us a quick break in the rain as he's born so that he's greeted with warmth.
Despite the rain, today would be a good day, too. It's SB's birthday and it would be fun to share that with her. Tomorrow would work since it's the day that I had in mind for most of the pregnancy and the date in binary is a palindrome (if numbers can be palidromes...) - 01 10 2006 = 01 1010 11111010110. The next date that would be cool is Friday the 13th with the full moon - which is the date that throughout the pregnancy I have thought would be most magical. At this point, any date this week would be fabulous and despite how cool it would be to birth on Friday the 13th it seems so far away. :)
The photos of LMG and I are more popular than I expected. swimsuits has been viewed almost 700 times since published last Thursday and has attracted some interesting people to my photo stream. I hope that once I start publishing photos of Gilhooly they will lose interest.
Since I've finished most of the items on my to do list I can spend today doing yoga, playing with photos, cooking and whatever else strikes my fancy. I am so thankful that I listened to the advice to stop working a couple weeks before the due date. The past couple weeks have been so relaxing. The last thing I'd like to do before he arrives is to clean up the yard, but I'd like a couple days without rain so it can dry out a bit. That doesn't look likely any time soon. Maybe I'll scratch it off the list.
I'm feeling a bit like a banana that's been sitting in the fruit bowl for a few days - the green is gone and it's bright yellow except for a couple places where you can see there will be brown spots if you leave it sit for a couple more days. Ripe.
I envision sun streaming in through the window when we first meet him. The 10 day weather forecast shows a 70% chance of rain every day through Saturday. Sunday looks like the first day we could get some sun. I've been asking the universe to give us a quick break in the rain as he's born so that he's greeted with warmth.
Despite the rain, today would be a good day, too. It's SB's birthday and it would be fun to share that with her. Tomorrow would work since it's the day that I had in mind for most of the pregnancy and the date in binary is a palindrome (if numbers can be palidromes...) - 01 10 2006 = 01 1010 11111010110. The next date that would be cool is Friday the 13th with the full moon - which is the date that throughout the pregnancy I have thought would be most magical. At this point, any date this week would be fabulous and despite how cool it would be to birth on Friday the 13th it seems so far away. :)
The photos of LMG and I are more popular than I expected. swimsuits has been viewed almost 700 times since published last Thursday and has attracted some interesting people to my photo stream. I hope that once I start publishing photos of Gilhooly they will lose interest.
Since I've finished most of the items on my to do list I can spend today doing yoga, playing with photos, cooking and whatever else strikes my fancy. I am so thankful that I listened to the advice to stop working a couple weeks before the due date. The past couple weeks have been so relaxing. The last thing I'd like to do before he arrives is to clean up the yard, but I'd like a couple days without rain so it can dry out a bit. That doesn't look likely any time soon. Maybe I'll scratch it off the list.
I'm feeling a bit like a banana that's been sitting in the fruit bowl for a few days - the green is gone and it's bright yellow except for a couple places where you can see there will be brown spots if you leave it sit for a couple more days. Ripe.
Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed. The only discussion of inducing was that if we go into next week we will begin monitoring him more frequently to ensure conditions are still favorable (i.e., instead of weekly appointments, I might go in every couple of days). I have an appointment this Thursday and expect if I haven't delivered by then we will talk more about next steps. I hope Gilhooly isn't anything like his father - J was 20 days past his due date!
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