Tuesday, January 31, 2006


My mother and uncle arrived on Sunday - squeaking through Snoqualmie Pass after clean-up of one avalanche and an hour before it was closed for 15 hours from another 2 avalanches. Z has preferred Grandmomma's lap over the bassinet - allowing me to catch up on laundry, cleaning, and sleep. J went back to work Monday, worked 1/2 day Tuesday, and is working a full day today. It's wonderful to have momma here for support.

The word for the last few days has been "gas." We learned the hard way that spicy thai food does not make for a good night of sleep for any of us. We are celebrating farts and burps - no matter who makes them - and the louder the better. I'm amazed at how many techniques there are for helping a baby pass gas - massage, sitting upright after eating, anti-gas drops, etc.

Like a bird regurgitating food for her young, Z ensures that I get a bit of every meal. The first few days I was changing him and me several times a day, but that took too much work so I'm proudly wearing these gifts from my son throughout the day.

Z had his 2 week check-up yesterday. He's even bigger! 10 pounds 13 ounces and quickly outgrowing his newborn clothes. There is a bag full of clothes that he never fit into that I plan to either take to the consignment shop or to send to other folks who are expecting babies in the next few months.

This morning, sitting on the couch with Z napping in my lap I was looking at the mountains cloaked in clouds and a bald eagle flew down our alley! Right at my eye level (at the 2nd story of our house). whoa!

The sun is out for a bit this morning. I hope it lasts. All this rain is really getting to be too much. Especially since I know how much of it is turning into snow up in the mountains...and no snowboarding for me for a while. boo-hoo.

Yesterday, we made our first trip to the dog park! J carried Z in the sling and I shuffled along behind them. It was my longest walk yet. By the end of it, I was definitely feeling a drop in my blood sugar; next time we'll bring some juice to keep my energy up.

Someone's hungry....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've found that wearing patterns helps disguise the spitup stains a bit -- because, yeah, eventually you give up on changing your clothes ten times a day.

It sounds like you are settling into motherhood really well. Z. is such a cutie!

11:34 AM  

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