Tuesday, November 29, 2005

name games

The name "zeb" seems to be picking up momentum so I decided to research other people named Zeb. What do they do for a living? Where are they from? Does Zeb stand for anything?

Here are some of the people, processes, and objects named "Zeb"
  • Senator Zeb Little - Senate Floor Leader & Majority Leader, Alabama State Senate (D)
  • Zeb Hogan - Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California, Davis (In Progess), Fulbright Fellow, Environmental Risk Assessment Program for Tropical Ecosystems, Chiang Mai University, 1997, B.S., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1996
  • Zeb Haradon - director, writer, filmographer
  • Zebulldada - Experimental music and art collective from Auburn, Washington
  • Zeb Palmer - Looks like a writer. Site won't load.
  • Planet Zeb - internet radio station that plays some of my favorites from the 80s and 90s (i.e., I can live with all 10 songs on their top 10 played list)
  • Zeb's portfolio - photography and design portfolio for Sebastien Chort, alias Zeb.
  • Zero Email Bounce - "ZEB would be the phase of a marketing person's week (or month) when we managed to clear out our inboxes."
If this sampling is representative, at least one thing seems certain....with a name like Zeb he's bound to be creative. :)


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