Thursday, November 10, 2005

31 weeks

I'm finally back at work today after 8 sick days. I'm still fighting the cold and probably won't work a full day today, but at least I've got some energy back.

The shower Sunday was wonderful! About 25 people were there - guys and gals and several kids. MB made all sorts of interesting dishes: dates stuffed with garlic, figs stuffed with chocolate, rose petal sorbet, an apple salad with mint, etc. etc. Everyone hung out for about an hour and then we tore through the presents. :) We brought home a pile of beautiful gifts and were so happy to see everyone. We received all of the essential items from the registry and many, many fun, useful, and cute things.

Since today is my first day back at work, it's also my first day working in the downstairs office. So far, so good. It's given me the opporunity to clean out old files and equipment (anyone need an old DSL modem? linksys access point?). I'm not completely moved in, so the office is pretty bare. Plus, I'll have to negotiate decorations and layout with my new "officemate" - J's studio is in the other half of the room. We're trying an arrangement of "office by day, studio by night" which means that at the end of my work day I straighten up the office for J to have a clean studio by night and vice versa.

Sunday is the start of our 8th month. It's hard to believe we're almost 8 weeks away. Birth classes have been going well. This week we saw a video of a woman going through a non-medicated birth (my goal). It showed a couple minutes of her at each of the major stages of labor and delivery. It started around 4pm with walking around a park, then at 6 pm when they headed to the hospital then at 7:15 pm when she was only 5 centimeters dilated and she was devastated! She had been working so hard she felt sure she was closer to 8 or 9. They walked around the hospital for several hours. I think they showed her again at midnight when she started the 3rd phase - transition. That's the most intense phase and she was ready to give up. Then by the time she needed to push (around one a.m.?) she was so exhausted that her husband had to hold her head up to help her push! As the baby's head began to crest, the mother caught a second wave of energy and was able to push the baby out then she was ecstatic when she held her baby girl. wow! She had a doula and that seemed to make a difference. The father seemed stunned sometimes...unsure how to help. I think J will be more confident, but I think he'll need to be able to take a break. I think I'll talk with Gracewinds about a doula.

Watching the video inspired me to get my butt back to the gym! I'm frustrated that I haven't had the energy to get there regularly the last couple of weeks, but I can feel that I'm on the upswing from this cold and I know that I'll get back into shape. It's clear how much endurance I'll need and how strong I want to be so that we can successfully do this un-medicated. At least I've been walking the dogs each day, doing some yoga, and went swimming last thursday. But, I need to get back on the weights, the treadmill, the elipsis, and walking my 3 miles around green lake. It feels more and more like the training for the marathon...those last few weeks were crucial.

This weekend we hope to buy the nursery furnishings (crib, dresser, couch, curtains, door, etc.), finish moving office stuff out of the nursery, finish setting up the office/studio, then set up the nursery! Plus, Swansons Holiday sale starts on Saturday and I've got 40 Swanson's dollars to spend for the plants I need for Phase II of the garden project.


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